AM Ch.

Bellefarm Boy O Boy At Lambluv

Male 10 December 1981 United States 1332 views
Bahlambs BeachboyAM-CAN Ch. Bahlambs Beachboy ROM17-03-1976Rollingsea ViceroyGB Ch. Rollingsea Viceroy04-08-1969Rollingsea Hawthorn PrideGB Ch. Rollingsea Snowboots15-05-1965
GB Ch. Rollingsea Baucottblues Good Fortune
GB Ch. Rollingsea Twotrees Aurora23-11-1966GB Ch. Rollingsea Snowboots15-05-1965
Prospectblue Louise
Bahlambs Brass Bed19-09-1971Bahlambs Brass BandAM Ch. Bahlambs Brass Band ROM01-08-1969Bahlambs Brilliant Blue Best Band
AM Ch. Millie11-04-1967
Seekapetra Anne27-07-1969Raydor Bundle
Blue Grove Trisha
Miss Fancy Pants Of BellefarmAphrodite's Snow Frost  
Crumpet Of Bellefarm  

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Below listed children of Bellefarm Boy O Boy At Lambluv are part of this OES-Database.
Click on their parents name to show all offspring from this combination.